educators level3

Course Duration

course duration

Up to 18 months


Training Cost

No cost to the learner or the school. A Welsh Government and ESF funded qualification (£4,000 - £5,000)


course enrolment

Comprehensive enrolment process and support provided by a designated assessor


The aim of this qualification is to develop the knowledge and skills required for professional practice within childcare or health settings and to develop key knowledge and understanding in the principles which underpin leadership and management in the Childcare sector.

This qualification is for individuals:

  • Working with families and children under the age of 8 in regulated childcare settings.
  • Who have considerable experience (and already have a qualification at level 3) in children’s care or early years practice.
  • Who have a management role or be undertaking leadership or management activities to provide the evidence required for the competence qualification.
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